Four Tips To Be More Happy!

If you would like to put more happiness into your life and your career, here are a few suggestions:

  • Pay attention to the times you feel happy

It’s easy to notice the times we’re frustrated, disappointed or feeling down. Decide today to pay attention to the times you feel good about yourself, your work and your relationships. Why not even keep a journal for a month and document those times?

  • Instead of wasting energy complaining about something, offer a solution

It’s easy to complain, but it only adds to our frustration and unhappiness. Being proactive and coming up with a solution creates positive energy, happiness and self-confidence.

  • Begin or end each day by writing or mentally noting three things you are grateful for

Happiness and gratefulness go hand in hand. The problem is that it’s easy to take what we have for granted. The remedy is to consciously practice gratitude. The reward will be more happiness.

  • Limit your time around unhappy people

Protect yourself from those that habitually criticize others, are pessimistic about most things and who dwell on their unwanted circumstances. They’re “happiness vampires;” stay away from them as much as possible.

In my next post, I’ll share a strategy that works for dealing with “happiness vampires.”

In the meantime, why not leave a comment with a good idea we can all use to add to our happiness quotient? That would make me happy!

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