Mastering Emotions

Are You Ready to Roar?

    Are You Ready to Roar? When we come into this world, our instinct is to be who we naturally are, to know what we want, to communicate our needs and desires and to assume we are worthy of all of them. We come into this world ready to “roar”—to fully express ourselves. Beginning […]

Seven Questions To Rock Your World Today

Alan’s “Seven Questions To Rock Your World Today” How will I communicate with myself today to fuel my mind, body and spirit? (The truth is, if you master this one thing, you will be living in a rare space.) How can I offer myself unconditional support, on all levels, to thrive today? Who is most important in […]

Insanity: A New Definition

You know the classic defintion of insanity:  “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein However, I think Einstein missed something important. I think we do something else that is more “insane” than what he pointed out. In a nutshell: We do something that gets results for us. We fail […]

You Love to Give–What About Receiving?

One of my favorite authors and  speakers is Randy Gage. His post today was about how good we are, not at giving, but at receiving. While others are writing this week about giving, Randy wrote about receiving–and rightfully so. We are more comfortable with giving than receiving, myself included. And before you say, “Not me, […]

Expect the Best: Look Within, Not Outside

2014 will be here before you know it. Have you slowed down enough to imagine what you want for the next twelve months?  And have you reviewed how the last twelve months have been for you? Maybe you’ve had a stellar year, if so, I’m happy for you. It’s easier to expect more “success” when you can look back […]

Listening and Self-Delusion

I received a group email from a colleague the other day and I couldn’t stop laughing. The topic of the email was on communication and this is how he summed up his communications skills: “I love to hear myself talk. It’s nice to have others hear me sometimes, too.”   He was joking, but it got […]

Transforming Your Circumstances: Three Insights From Clients

Several of my clients have found new career opportunities in the past year after long periods of struggle. Others have reconnected with their spouses or life partners and others have rekindled long lost dreams. I thought I would share three lessons they learned along the way. We can create our own circumstances: We hear all […]

Superman’s Strategies For Reaching Your Dreams

I haven’t seen the new Superman movie yet, but I have watched three interviews with actor Henry Cavill, who is our new Superman. Here are three insights I’ve gained from listening to the newest Clark Kent:    • Even “Superman” has setbacks. Henry talked about the long road he travelled to get to his epic role in Superman. […]

4 Ways Leaders Can Handle Criticism

Today’s post is from leadership blogger Dan Black: If you’re leading then you will encounter critics. During the times you’re criticized you can either chose to move past what has happened or allow it to prevent you from moving forward. I have witnessed people who have allowed criticism to prevent them from achieving and moving […]

The Myth of “Letting Go of the Past”

How often have you heard a therapist, coach or friend give someone the advice, “You  need to let go of the past.” It sounds good, doesn’t it? The only problem is it doesn’t work. Huh? No, really, it doesn’t work. How many times have you tried to “let go” of the past and found yourself […]