Sex, Work, Your Heart and Warren Buffett

Sex. Work. Your heart

No, this isn’t about sex in the workplace or about sex and your heart–sorry to disappoint you. This is about something Warren Buffett said:

“Take a job that you love. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don’t like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isn’t that a little like saving up sex for your old age?” -Warren Buffett 

Warren Buffett said that? Yes, in fact, he did. But, is he right? After all, just because someone is brilliant in some areas doesn’t make them an expert in all areas. I have to say though, I think Mr. Buffett is spot on here. What do you think?

Three of my clients have recently done the hard work of first admitting they didn’t love what they were doing–and then doing something about that. It’s not that they disliked what they did for work–but they sure didn’t love it.

Today these three clients are doing what they love–and not one of them had to sacrifice their level of income in the process. In fact, they are making more money–and two of them are making significantly more money.

When I first challenged them on why they were staying where they were, all three said they couldn’t make the money they were making if they made a change. So, for the sake of money, they were waiting to make career decisions–and  Mr. Buffett compares  that to “a little like saving up sex for your old age.”

Enough about my clients, let’s talk about you. What do you want for yourself and your life? Why don’t you have it already–or why aren’t you in the process of getting there, wherever “there” is for you? What are you “saving up” for later? Who says you can’t have it sooner versus later? What does that little “voice” inside your head say? What about your “heart?” What does it say?

Sex, work and your heart. Turns out, there’s a connection between all three. Who would have known? Apparently, Warren Buffett.



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