Stress: The Mental Aikido Reponse

A “Mental Aikido” Special Report

Unresolved stress strikes at the heart of performance and morale, but stress isn’t the problem you think it is. The problem lies in a passive response to both positive stress and distress and the solution lies in using stress to your advantage, actually making it work for you. Here are three strategies you can use immediately.

Robert, a high level manager, summed up why he hired me to coach him: “I love my job but I could do without the stress and pressure that comes with it.”

Robert isn’t the only one feeling the heat and maybe you can relate. However, the rising tide of stress has enormous opportunities if you know how to turn your stress into an advantage by making it work for you. The “Mental Aikido” Special Report reveals three strategies to do just that, so let’s get right to it!

“Mental Aikido” Strategy One: Rethink Stress

Stress isn’t your enemy, it’s your friend. And there are two types of stress: Positive Stress (that gives you a rush of adrenalin and motivates you) and Dis-stress (that drains you if you don’t know what to do with it.)

Both have benefits if you know how to find them. While it’s easy to see the benefits of Positive Stress, what about Dis-stress? Here’s the benefit: Dis-stress is there to tell you that what you are doing isn’t working and you need to do something different. It’s a friend trying to wake you up before things get worse. Don’t fight Dis-stress; befriend it by listening with respect and appreciation!

While others are fighting their Dis-stress, you can learn from what it is telling you, make adjustments and win. That’s leverage!

“Mental Aikido” Strategy Two: Use Winning Self-Talk

You talk to yourself all the time about what’s happening around you. Self-talk is simply the ongoing mental conversations you have with yourself. The question is, “Is what you are saying helping or hurting?”

Learn how to make mental shifts that empower you and allow you tap into the energy of challenges while others stall out. When you are in a difficult situation and feeling stretched, talk to yourself the way high performers do. For instance, ask yourself “What can I do now to improve this?” Lower performers have very different self-talk. When things are tough, they think (self-talk) “I can’t do anything about this; it’s out of my control.”

Of course, they refuse to recognize that how we respond to a challenge is always within our control! Don’t fall into that trap! Use winning self-talk and make stress work for you.

“Mental Aikido Strategy Three: Take Action Now!

While others complain or make excuses, you must take action. Action cuts through stress and creates positive energy and abundant opportunities. What do you need to action on in the midst of a challenge you are facing? You can either make excuses or you can find solutions and act on them.

The fact is, there are always solutions if you are willing to be open to them. It’s all about taking responsibility for what you can do, and there is always something you can do.

Do you want a promotion? Then you must do whatever it takes to put yourself next in line for it. Does that mean taking on more responsibility, getting a new certification, learning a new skill, gaining more influence with those with the power to help you…what can you take action on today that will put you in a position of strength tomorrow? Whatever it is, it won’t happen by accident; you have to make it happen.

I know; times are tough! That’s exactly why you have to get a plan to accelerate your career and life and get to work. Action is the antidote to fear, worry and many other things you might have allowed to slow you down or discourage you. Take action and you will immediately feel a surge of power and energy that will keep you going despite obstacles, setbacks and defeats. Action is leverage; use it!

Wrapping Up:

There you have it; three Mental Aikido strategies to leverage stress to fuel your success. Use them and they will work for you every time. Don’t use them and Dis-stress will affect your levels of performance, happiness and sense of fulfillment.

The fact that you have gotten this far tells me you are among those who are willing to not only learn but also to take action on what you have learned.

If you would like more detailed information on using Mental Aikido than this Special Report could give, request a free copy of my ten page Coaching Guide on How To Thrive Under pressure: The Mental Aikido Coaching Guide Included in the coaching guide are coaching tips to put what you learn into immediate action. Call or email me for your free copy: 678-778-9012 or use the contact button on top right of this page.

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