
Bella, You Are Perfect

“Of all the judgments we pass in life, none is more important than the judgment we pass on ourselves.”-Nathaniel Branden, Ph.D. Your Self-Concept, how you see and feel about yourself, impacts everything in your life. It’s is like a thermostat that regulates the level of your happiness, your income, your health and your overall ability […]

Insanity: A New Definition

You know the classic defintion of insanity:  “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein However, I think Einstein missed something important. I think we do something else that is more “insane” than what he pointed out. In a nutshell: We do something that gets results for us. We fail […]

Who Is The “Real You”?

“Know Thyself.” We don’t really know the origin of that statement, but most of us would agree with the importance of it. Most people would say they know who they are. On one level, I’m sure they do. But what about deeper levels? How deep have we actually gone in our quest to know who we […]

Don’t Set Goals For 2014

A friend and colleague emailed me a few days ago to ask me if I had set my goals for the upcoming New Year. I hadn’t yet–and my suggestion for you is to hold off setting any goals for next year for now. (By the way, if you supervise or manage anyone at work, apply […]

You Love to Give–What About Receiving?

One of my favorite authors and  speakers is Randy Gage. His post today was about how good we are, not at giving, but at receiving. While others are writing this week about giving, Randy wrote about receiving–and rightfully so. We are more comfortable with giving than receiving, myself included. And before you say, “Not me, […]

Expect the Best: Look Within, Not Outside

2014 will be here before you know it. Have you slowed down enough to imagine what you want for the next twelve months?  And have you reviewed how the last twelve months have been for you? Maybe you’ve had a stellar year, if so, I’m happy for you. It’s easier to expect more “success” when you can look back […]

“Shut Up and Listen”

Families and companies have a lot in common. After all, both families and companies are made up of people. That means there are plenty of opportunities for misunderstanding,  unresolved conflict and power plays. On the positive side, there are plenty of opportunities for connection, collaboration and the option of sharing power. When we aren’t connecting, collaborating and sharing the […]

Transforming Your Circumstances: Three Insights From Clients

Several of my clients have found new career opportunities in the past year after long periods of struggle. Others have reconnected with their spouses or life partners and others have rekindled long lost dreams. I thought I would share three lessons they learned along the way. We can create our own circumstances: We hear all […]

The Magic Of Asking For What You Want

I had an interesting conversation with my client Paula* yesterday. The week before had been tough at work, and she was down on herself for not “doing better.” Then, yesterday, Paula was in a much different place and told me about all of the great things that had happened in a week’s time. Curious, I […]

Change: What Gets In Our Way

Have you ever wondered why you don’t change more or change faster–when it comes to something you say you want? We are hard-wired to adapt, change and transform, so why doesn’t it happen more or happen faster. Have you wondered why your company seems to keep doing the same old things even though they just […]