
Hidden Potential

We all have hidden potential inside of us. Every single one of us. Thomas Edison said, ” If we did all the things we were capable of doing, We would literally astound ourselves.” How many of us intellectually agree with that and then go back to business as usual? The Universe is pulsating with the energy of hidden potential […]

Sex, Work, Your Heart and Warren Buffett

Sex. Work. Your heart No, this isn’t about sex in the workplace or about sex and your heart–sorry to disappoint you. This is about something Warren Buffett said: “Take a job that you love. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don’t like because you think it […]

Question Everything

We have beliefs about everything, but not all of our beliefs are helpful or defensible: Beliefs about self (“I’m not a risk taker.”) Beliefs about others (“He’s an idiot!”) Beliefs about our future (I can’t get a better job in this economy.”) Beliefs about money (“Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Technically true, but what are […]

The Success Trap

Robert is the CEO of a multi-million dollar company. It’s not the biggest company around by far, but it’s not tiny either. He brought me in and said, “Our sales are down this year and I have to do something now.” I asked Robert, “How were sales last year.” He replied, “They were down last […]

Change Now–It Might Be Too Late Later

A little over a week ago, CPI Corp shut it’s doors. CPI who, you say? You might not know the name, but I bet you’ve seen them taking family portraits with the babies and small kids squirming and crying in their studios housed in Sears, Walmart and Babies R Us. About 2,700 portrait studios in […]

Creating a Culture of Engagement: Why It’s Both Simple and Hard

Creating a culture of engagement isn’t a matter of rocket science–it’s pretty simple. It’s not that we don’t know what to do to solve our employee engagement problems–it’s that we fail to do what we know. For instance, most every leader knows how important it is to: Have a compelling vision Be someone we can […]

Who Owns Employee Engagement?

Nationwide CEO Steve Rasmussen was recently interviewed by on employee engagement and said, “Engagement is a state of mind. People either are engaged or they’re not. You can feel it. I can walk into any company, and I can tell you in 15 minutes whether people are engaged or not just by talking to them. […]

Leading an “Employee Engagement” Revolution

A consulting colleague told me today about a four day leadership meeting he facilitated. Everyone was excited. The CEO had been talking the event up and made sure everyone knew he would be there ready to participate. But the leadership event came and went–without the top leader–and without any explanations as to why he wasn’t […]

Employee Engagement: Where Do We Start?

“Employee engagement” is a hot topic in the workplace today–and for good reason. More and more “employees” are feeling stretched beyond their capacity, feeling under-appreciated and under-valued. (Please note that I didn’t say “under-paid.” For the most part, money isn’t the problem and more money isn’t the solution to the “employee engagement” problem.) Meanwhile, more […]

Is “Stress Management” Stressing You Out?

“Stress management.” I don’t know about you, but there’s something amiss when it comes to the idea of managing your stress. It’s not that toxic stress isn’t a big deal – it is. Toxic stress cuts deeply into our happiness, health, and overall well-being. At work, it is responsible for employees taking “mental health” days, […]