
What It Takes To Be Happy: Self-Confidence!

When it comes to happiness (and I’m using the word in a general sense) we have to think about self-confidence. Think about someone you know who is happy…aren’t they also confident? For instance, if someone is happy in their job, I bet they have confidence in their craft, whatever it is. And if they don’t […]

What It Takes To Be Happy: Crafting Your Vision

When you look into your future, what do you see for the short-term and beyond? How do you feel about what you see? Do you like what you see; does it make you happy? Do you have a clear picture of what you want, where you are going and why what you want is important […]

What It Takes To Be Happy

I don’t think I’ve ever had a client come to me for therapy or coaching who said they wanted my help to be happier. Now that I think about it, I’m sure it’s never happened; meaning, they’ve never said those words. Clients have asked for a lot of things; to end their depression, to make […]

Passion And Teamwork In A Crazy High Stress Work Environment

If you want to know what passion and teamwork in the workplace looks and feels like, read on. And if you’ve always wanted to know what it’s like in a major children’s hospital intensive care unit, you’re going to love this. I have a guest blogger today. The writer is my daughter, but I have […]

How To Influence And Lead At Work: Getting What You Want

Our careers are important for many reasons. We spend a great deal of our life at work and it represents an investment of our talents, passions and desires to make a contribution. If you are like most people, you want to do work that is meaningful and that allows you to make a difference. It’s […]

Career Success: What Women (And Men) Need To Know

Harvard Business Review Research Report recently highlighted what is called “The Sponsor Effect” and it reveals why many women are finding it hard to climb the corporate ladder. For instance, one key finding states women underestimate the need and value of having a “sponsor” at work for obtaining promotions, key assignments and tapping into the […]

Dealing With Mistakes At Work And Home: Four Keys

Everybody blows it from time to time. We miss a deadline at work, we respond impatiently to a good friend or family member or we don’t return the phone call we said we would. I’m not saying we blow it all the time, but sometimes it happens to the best of us. How we handle […]

Not Paid What Your Worth?

One of my favorite questions to clients and seminar participants is “Are you getting paid what you’re worth?” The answers and the looks I get are interesting! A good percentage of people tell me they are worth more than what shows up in their paycheck. How about you? Ask yourself yourself this question and see […]

The Myth Of Self-sabatoge: Why We Do What We Do

We’ve all heard the term “self-sabotage.” Therapists and coaches use it a lot when they’re talking about someones “self-defeating” behavior. Take procrastination for example. I know someone who finished all his college requirements except for one writing assignment. Ten years later and he still hasn’t finished his assignment. Let’s call this person “Bob.” How do […]

Master Your Stress Now: Three Keys

Stress is an integral part of life and how we respond to it will either fuel your success and well-being or pile on even more stress. Here are three tips to leveraging stress and making it work for you: * Understand the true nature of “Stress.” Stress is actually necessary for performing at your best. […]